Chagossian community information

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In November 2022, the UK government launched a new British nationality route for people of Chagossian descent. It allows them to become British citizens free of charge, and to build their future in the UK should they wish to.

Before moving to the UK

The UK government has published information and guidance about what you need to consider before moving to the UK.

Housing in the UK

You are advised to only travel to the UK if you have made your own settled housing arrangements. 

UK legislation for assessing homelessness, housing register and welfare benefit applications includes looking at habitual residency. This is done through a habitual residence test for homelessness assistance. .

If you travel to the UK without your own housing arrangements in place, you will not be able to claim public funds and we are unlikely to be able to help you to access housing. Read our guidance notes before completing a homeless or housing register application.

Application process

There are things you should consider before applying.



Health and education



Support for the Chagossian community

The UK government funds some projects as part of its commitment to support Chagossians wherever they live. .

Local community groups









Informasyon pou kominoté sagosyen

An Novam 2022, gouvernman Rwayom Ini ti lans enn nouvo fason pou gagn nasyonalité britanik pou bann desandan sagosyen. Li permet zot vinn sitwayen britanik san okenn fré, é konstrir zot lavenir dan Rwayom Ini si zot sweté.

Avant zot vinn Rwayom Ini

Gouverman Rwayom Ini inn pibliyé informasyon é gid pou ou koné ki ou bizin konsideré avan ou vinn Rwayom Ini.


Lozman dan Rwayom Ini

Konsey sé ki ou fini fer ou prop demars lozman avan ki ou voyaze pou vinn Rwayom Ini. Lézislasyon dan Rwayom Ini pou évalyé aplikasyon bann sanzabri, bann ki lor rézis Lozman é bann ki lor benefit. E sa li osi inklir get seki apel rezidans abityel. Pou plis informasyon lor sa tes la, al lor ”. Si ou voyaze ou vinn Rwayom Ini san ki ou fer ou prop demars Lozman, ou pa pou kapav réklam okenn fon piblik é li probab ki nou pa pou kapav ed ou pou gagn enn lozman.

Avan ou konplet enn aplikasyon pou sanzabri ou rézis Lozman, lir bien nou bann konsey.

Pou plis informasyon lor sanzabri, lir nou dokiman konsey lor sanzabri.

Pou plis informasyon lor rezis pou lozman, lir nou dokiman konsey lor rezis lozman.

Prosédir aplikasyon

Ena bann kitsoz ou bizin konsideré avan ki ou fer ou aplikasyon.



La santé é lédikasyon



Sipor pou kominoté sagosien


Bann group kominoter lokal


