Check your tradesperson has a waste carrier licence

Any business that transports, buys, sells or disposes of waste must have a valid waste carrier's licence. This is to ensure that all waste is disposed of properly, avoiding damage to health and the environment.

Your waste is your responsibility

It is your responsibility to ensure your tradesperson has a waste carrier's licence.

This applies to any type of waste that is unsuitable for disposal in your dustbin and cannot be taken away via household waste collections.

If you hire a company to dispose of your waste and your waste is found fly-tipped you could be fined or prosecuted. 

Follow the SCRAP code

  • Suspect - be suspicious of cold callers / rogue traders. Don’t let them take your rubbish until they provide proof of registration and note their vehicle’s registration plate
  • Check that a waste carrier is registered on the
  • Refuse cold callers offering to take your rubbish
  • Ask what is going to happen to your waste – seek evidence of this
  • Paperwork must be obtained: a waste transfer note, receipt or proper invoice including a description of the waste being removed and the waste carrier’s contact details

What to do if your tradesperson doesn't have a licence

If you have already hired a tradesperson who does not have a waste carrier’s licence you should:

  • Agree that they must obtain a licence before removing any waste from your property
  • Hire a skip from a registered carrier of waste 
  • Use our Bulky Bag service to dispose of your waste

Apply for a waste carriers licence

As a tradesperson, you can apply online for a waste carrier licence via the .