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Delivery Address Name Address Country 9. Arrival at BIP - estimated date (& time if known) 11. Flight Number AWB - 10. Veterinary documents Number(s) Date of issue Establishment of origin Veterinary Approval No. 13. Commodity Code (1st 4 digits) 14. Gross Weight (kg) 15. Net Weight (kg) 17. Transhipment to EU BIP No. Country ISO Code 18. Transit to 3rd country EU BIP No. Country ISO Code 19. Conform to EU requirements Conforms Does NOT conform 20. For Re-Import 22. For NON-conforming Consignmentx{ | } ø}uaRa@aR"h PB*CJaJmHnHphuhk}hk}B*CJaJph&jhk}hk}B*CJUaJphhk}CJaJhk}hlB*CJaJphh|hlhgP#aJh1CJaJhk}hl5CJaJhk}hlCJaJhk}hwCJaJ hYa hYa jhYa UmHnHuhYa jhYa Ujh gUmHnHujhlUmHnHux. {   * , . 0 J L 7$8$H$gdYa gdlgdw ]^gdYa  2       $ & ( , . 0 J T V j l К{{{pl`Uh"hYa CJaJh|hYa 5CJaJh"Kh"Kh"KCJaJh"h"KCJOJQJaJh2h"K5CJaJhYa hYa hYa CJaJhYa CJOJQJaJh"hYa CJOJQJaJh"KCJaJhk CJaJhYa CJaJhk hk CJaJhYa 5CJaJh2hYa 5CJaJh-Rh*! 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Container numbers (if known) 21. For Internal Market Human Consumption Animal Feedingstuff Pharmaceutical use Technical use Other Gatwick Port Health - Products of Animal Origin  Prenotification Fax 01293 568281 Email -  HYPERLINK "mailto:imported.food@crawley.gok.uk" imported.food@crawley.gov.uk Phone 01293 5074((((((())0)2)^)t)z)))))))**(***,*J*L*N*^*`*b*d****ƺƲƲxxme`e hq}5h>!h>!5h"Kh"KCJaJh"h"KCJOJQJaJh"KCJaJhgP#CJaJhYa CJOJQJaJh"hYa CJOJQJaJhYa CJaJh2h g5CJaJh2hYa 5CJaJhYa hvhYa CJaJh^FCJaJhlCJaJhvhYa CJOJQJaJ"*,*N*b*d**22 2 2 ]^gdYa $a$gdq$a$gd>! *+&+,+.++++++++,222 2 2궲 hYa hYa hi_h(U&jh2h>!5CJUaJ jh2h>!5CJUaJh25CJaJh2h>!5CJaJhq5CJaJ47 ,1h. A!"#$% DdX $6jD  3 @@"?DyK imported.food@crawley.gok.ukyK Hmailto:imported.food@crawley.gok.ukL@L Normal$CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tH N@N Ya Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH \aJ DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListHH ( Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ6U@6 >! 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