Validation requirements

Before applications are registered, they will need to comply with the adopted national and local list of validation requirements below. 

Standards for electronic planning applications

We encourage you to apply via the Planning Portal, however if you choose to submit your application directly to us please follow the following guidelines:

File naming

  • Include a list of all submitted documents 
  • All documents/drawings should be named in a logical manner and given titles which refer to their content

File types and sizes

  • No individual file should be greater than 5 MB
  • No .exe files should be submitted
  • Additional material can be submitted on CD for major applications


  • Drawings should be submitted in single layer PDF format
  • Where possible supply drawings to scale at A3
  • Do not supply drawings with optional scales at different paper sizes
  • Scanned drawings should be a minimum 200 dpi resolution
  • A list of drawings should be supplied detailing drawing number, description and paper size
  • Critical dimensions should be checked on PDFs and be in scale 
  • The orientation of PDF drawings should be correct when viewed on screen
  • Include a scale bar and key dimensions on all drawings

Other documents

  • Letters and reports should preferably be in PDF format


  • A list of photographs/photo montages should be provided, annotated with a title and their context/purpose explained 
  • Files should be below 1 MB
  • Photographs should be a maximum size of 15x10cm
  • Photographs can be provided on CD