Community Protection privacy notice

The following privacy notice applies to Community Protection Officers

This notice explains how personal information is going to be used, what it is used for, who it might be shared with and why and for how long it is to be kept.

The council is fully committed to complying with The Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We ensure that your personal data is processed fairly, lawfully kept safe and secure and retained for no longer than is necessary.

The Data Protection Officer for the council is the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.

What information is collected?

The information we collect and may hold about you will depend on the nature of the issue we are investigating. We will only ask for personal information that is appropriate. We will collect basic personal data about you together with information you have given us when contacting the service. We may also hold information provided by third parties where this is relevant, for example from the police. Your personal data may be converted (anonymised) into statistical or aggregated data in such a way as to ensure that you are not identified or identified from it. If you do not provide the information we need then we may not be able to provide all our services to you.

The type of information we collect could include:

  • personal information including name, address, telephone number, email
  • information relating to any disability, vulnerability, medical issues, support needs or caring responsibilities, if applicable
  • records of any of our contacts with you, your contact with us and any contact from third parties representing you or about you
  • any feedback you provide on our services
  • other personal information, for example, complaints regarding antisocial behaviour. This will vary on a case by case basis to help us investigate the issue you are reporting
  • images and footage captured on body worn video camera recording devices to help in the detection and prevention of crime, anti-social behaviour and staff safety
  • photographs taken at our events or in our neighbourhoods to use for general marketing and publicity (we will not publish these without your consent)

Why do we collect your personal information?

We collect, process and store personal information about you and other household members in order to manage, operate and deliver services to you. This includes to:

  • assist in resolving the issues you are reporting to us
  • assist in processes required to support the collection and detention of stray dogs
  • assist in dealing with unauthorised use of land by traveller communities
  • assist in unauthorised use of land by people occupying tents
  • ensure your contractual obligations are complied with
  • comply with relevant legislation and regulation
  • deliver services and support to you
  • train and manage the employment of our workers who deliver those services
  • help investigate any worries or complaints you have about our services
  • keep track of spending on services
  • check the quality of services

Data Controller

Â鶹´«Ã½ Borough Council is registered as a Data Controller with The Information Commissioner’s Office (Registration Number Z5327706)

The council complies with The Data Protection Act and the GDPR.

We ensure that your personal data is processed fairly, kept safe and secure and retained for no longer than is necessary.

The Data Protection Officer’s details can be found on the Data Protection rights request page on our website.

The legal basis for processing personal data

  • Consent of the data subject.
  • Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.

The legal basis for processing special category data

  • Processing is necessary for the reason of substantial public interest
  • Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent

Who we share data with

Members of the Community Protection team will be able to see and process your personal information. However, there may be times when we will share relevant information with third parties for the purposes outlined above.

We pass data to:

  • internal departments
  • other local authorities (education, social care children and relevant housing and employment and other services) for example for safeguarding
  • Central Government.
  • other third-party organisations, as allowed by law
  • other partner agencies that provide services on our behalf
  • agencies with whom we have a duty to co-operate, such as the police
  • Housing Associations
  • HM Court Services
  • to meet our legal obligations
  • in connection with legal proceedings
  • dog owners who have a lost dog. The finder details are shared with their specific consent

We will not share data with third-parties for marketing purposes.

If your data needs to be transferred we will make sure that an adequate level of protection is in place.

Retention periods

Personal data will not be retained for longer than necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected. Some records have statutory time limits. The relevant time periods for the main categories of our work as are as follows:

  • body worn video footage - will be maintained for a maximum of 31 days before it is automatically deleted. Recordings required as evidence will be kept for a maximum of six months or until the evidence is no longer required, whichever is longer
  • pocket Note Books – will be retained for six years before being destroyed
  • register of seized dogs: The Environmental Protection Act (Stray Dogs) Regulations 1992 - records will be retained for six years, any records after will be destroyed.
  • records relating to processes required to support the collection and detention of stray dogs - records will be retained for six years, any records after will be destroyed
  • case logs or service requests – records will be deleted after one year if no updates have been added to the case
  • enforcement investigations and actions – records will be retained for six years relating to the monitoring and enforcement of action in individual cases  
  • unauthorised use of land by traveller communities - records will be retained for six years, any records after will be destroyed


You have the right to:

  • be informed of data processing (which is covered by this privacy notice)
  • access your personal information (known as a subject access request)
  • have inaccuracies corrected
  • have information erased
  • restrict processing
  • data portability
  • intervention in respect of automated decision making/profiling
  • withdraw consent (see below)
  • complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (see below)

To exercise any of these rights please contact The Data Protection Officer at

Withdrawal of consent

The lawful basis upon which we process personal data is that it is necessary in order to comply with our legal obligations and to enable us to perform tasks carried out in the public interest. However, where personal data is solely processed on the basis of consent, you will have the right to withdraw that consent.

Where can I get advice?

If you have any worries or questions about how your personal information is handled, please contact our Data Protection Officer at

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data rights, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire DK9 5AF

Telephone number: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 (national rate)

Alternatively, or email