Report a local problem

Tell us about a problem in your local area by using our online report a local problem form. It's quick and easy to use, even while you're out and about. Tell us what the problem is, where it is, and include a photo if you want to. Your report will be sent to the right team to deal with the issue and we'll keep you informed of progress.

You can use the form to let us know about:


  • Stray dogs
  • Dog attacks
  • Dead animals
  • Dog fouling
  • Dog bins

Anti-social behaviour

  • Aggressive begging
  • Anti-social behaviour in public
  • Illegal camping
  • Industrial noise or pollution

Dangerous waste

  • Asbestos, chemicals or fuel
  • Broken glass
  • Clinical waste and needles
  • Drug paraphernalia


  • Fly-tipping
  • Overflowing bins
  • Damaged bins
  • Litter

Local facilities

  • Allotments
  • Community centres
  • Public toilets

Playing fields and sport

  • Broken play equipment
  • Sports pitches
  • Playing fields
  • Sports pavilions

Street care

  • Street name plates
  • Cycle racks
  • Benches
  • Street lighting faults
  • Street cleaning

Trees, hedges and shrubs

  • Grass cutting
  • Overgrown hedges and shrubs
  • Trees

Water areas

  • Fishing
  • Flooding
  • Items in waterways
  • Blocked grills

Reporting problems in your home


If you have already told us about a problem and you don't feel we have dealt with it properly, then you can raise a complaint. Visit our complaints page for details about the process and to report a complaint online.