Premises licence

Anybody who wants to provide activities such as the sale and supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment must be licensed. If these activities are provided on an occasional basis, you may also apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN).

Read our mandatory conditions, which apply to all premises licences, before you complete an application form.

Alcohol licence: off-sales extension


Temporary changes to alcohol licensing, allowing operators with existing alcohol on-sales licences to also serve alcohol for consumption off the premises and to make deliveries.


The measures included in the Act, modify provisions in the Licensing Act 2003 to provide automatic extensions to the terms of on-sales alcohol licences to allow for off-sales. It is designed to be a temporary measure, with provisions lasting until the end of 30 September 2021. This will become an automatic provision, so no application is needed.

The measures make it possible for licensed premises that have only an on-sales licence to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises. This will allow businesses to trade whilst keeping social distancing measures in place inside.

Licensees who have had an application for an off-sales permission refused or had their off-sales permission excluded by variation or at review within the last three years will be excluded from this licence extension. The default hours in which off-sales will be permitted will be the same as those in which on-sales are permitted. Any licensee who wished to open for longer hours must apply for a licence variation.

The conditions will set the hours of off-sales to match those for on-sales, allow off-sales of alcohol in open containers and allow deliveries of alcohol to residential or work buildings. Those conditions will suspend existing conditions that are more restrictive. So, for example, an existing condition that allowed off-sales only in closed containers would be suspended to allow sales in open containers.

If there are problems of crime and disorder, public nuisance, public safety or the protection of children arising from how the premises operated using the new permission, any Responsible Authority, including the Police or Environmental Health, could apply for a new off-sales review. The off-sales review process is modelled on the existing summary review process. In the event that an off-sales review is triggered, it will only relate to off-sales authorised by virtue of these provisions, or conditions which have effect by virtue of these provisions: it cannot be used to revoke the existing licence or modify pre-existing licence conditions.

Read the  for more information.

Right to work

Applicants for premises licences, transfer of premises and personal licences must demonstrate that they have the right to work in the United Kingdom. They must also not be subject to a condition preventing them from doing work relating to the carrying on of a licensing activity. This applies to individual applicants and applications from partnerships that are not limited liability partnerships.

How to prove your right to work

You can prove your right to work in the UK by either providing any of the  or by providing a ‘share code’ to enable the Licensing Authority to carry out a check using the Home Office online right to work checking service.

For more information, visit the government's website.

Please email if you have any questions.